Diamond Deneige

Practicing yoga has given me some of the most incredible gifts of my life that are too many to count. Not in the least is a profound connection with my body and spirit that I at one time in my life felt so seperate from.

I did not know that there was a wealth of wisdom inside each of us, and that I could actually access mine if I only dared to look within. I threw my hands in the air and admitted "I don't know" and it was from that place I could really begin this journey. Risking what I thought I knew was the foundation from which I could discover and reveal more of myself to myself and to the world.

Yoga, pranayama, and meditation, all embodiment practices, have been my faithful allies on this journey, continuing to draw me back inwards to that innate intuitive wisdom when I get distracted by the societal conditionings and loud distractions of our outer environment. Back to Truth. Back to Me.

I completed my first 200hr training with Myraji of Hale Pule on Kawai'i in 2019. Her teachings are rooted deeply in the practices of Raja Yoga and the science of Ayurveda, diet and lifestyle practices that compliment Yoga practice, which have both greatly shaped the foundations of my teaching style.

Over the years, I have continued to study and learn to expand my understanding, knowledge and ability to teach more diverse students, such as pregnant people, folks with a history of trauma and/or substance abuse, and those seeking to deepen their meditation practice. Most recently, I completed a 300hr training with Crystal Borreli in Bali in 2023 that deeped my connection to the mythology and stories of Yoga and various Hindu Gods and Goddesses and thus broadened my teaching to bridge story and breath and movement into one interwoven tapestry.

I can't wait to journey with each of you as we navigate this path of unifying mind, body and spirit, together.


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"Yoga begins with listening. When we listen, we are giving space to what is." – Richard Freeman

Ready To Start Your Yoga Journey?

Shala Yoga Studio in Squamish

Address: 40383 Tantalus Rd, Unit 3 Squamish, BC V8B 0G2

Phone: (604) 243-9853

Email: [email protected]

We acknowledge that we play, live, work and gather on the unceded territories of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) nation.


Saturday 8 am – 10 pm

Sunday 9 am – 9 pm

Monday 7 am – 9 pm

Tuesday 9 am – 10 pm

Wednesday 7 am – 9 pm

Thursday 7 am – 10 pm

Friday 7 am – 9 pm

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