Emily Buck

For over a decade I’ve been coming to my mat and doing my best to listen, learn, and love.

I first lay in Savasana to heal a lower back injury. Did my first 100+ baby cobras gently and meticulously to rebuild the tiniest of muscles along my spine.

Then I lay in savasana to relax after a long day at my straight-out-of-university social work job. Got my legs just right in Warrior Pose to feel a sense of control and power when swirling all around me was so much suffering.

Then I lay in savasana to ask questions and allow answers. Where am I going? Who am I? Held bridge pose to build courage and openness to the unknown.

Then I lay down in Savasana to become a teacher. I studied 500 hours through Moksha/Modo. I began sharing this practice with others and it brought me so much joy. I got to teach in studios across Ontario, and then North America.

I moved to Los Angeles. I lay in Savasana to find peace in a city that honked and glittered and inspired. Raised my arm in a Dancer’s pose to experience strength and ease. Rested in the Child’s pose to feel grief; to digest loss; to grow.

I studied there for 4 years with amazing teachers. I taught yoga to incredible humans and they taught me. (I can not recommend Jay Fields and her work enough.)

And then my savasanas began to travel; up into mountains; onto ecstatic dance floors; into summer camps for adults (also can not recommend lying on the ground looking up at the sky and trees enough, ever).

Eventually, when I most needed a sanctuary, they led me here.

I came to Squamish to heal and learn how to be with a traumatic brain injury and a changed life.

I lay in savasana to regulate my nervous system.

I lay in savasana to cultivate compassion.

I lay in savasana to surrender, over and over again.

I stood in mountain pose to reclaim hope.

I teach from my lived experience.

My classes blend intuition and anatomy. Precise cues and present moment curiosity.

I lead with poetry, play, and self-empathy.

I teach to my tenderness and fierceness and I try with all my heart to teach to yours too.

Thank you.


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"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." – Mahatma Gandhi

Ready To Start Your Yoga Journey?

Shala Yoga Studio in Squamish

Address: 40383 Tantalus Rd, Unit 3 Squamish, BC V8B 0G2

Phone: (604) 243-9853

Email: [email protected]

We acknowledge that we play, live, work and gather on the unceded territories of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) nation.


Saturday 8 am – 10 pm

Sunday 9 am – 9 pm

Monday 7 am – 9 pm

Tuesday 9 am – 10 pm

Wednesday 7 am – 9 pm

Thursday 7 am – 10 pm

Friday 7 am – 9 pm

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